COCHIN VARIETIES - We have Something for Everyone!
(Click on any photo to enlarge and scroll thru the Variety. Owner credits are at the bottom of the photos.)
BANTAM (Feather Legged Class)
BARRED (Standardized by the APA and ABA in 1965):
BIRCHEN (Standardized by the APA and ABA in 1977):
BLACK (Standardized by the APA and ABA in 1874):
BLACK TAILED RED (Standardized by the ABA only; year Unknown):
BLUE (Standardized by the APA and ABA in 1977):
BROWN (Standardized by the APA in 1965):
BROWN RED (Standardized by the APA and ABA in 1977):
BUFF (Standardized by the APA and ABA in 1874):
BUFF COLUMBIAN (Standardized by the ABA year unknown; APA in 2018):
COLUMBIAN (Standardized by the APA and ABA in 1977):
GOLDEN LACED (Standardized by the APA and ABA in 1965):
LEMON BLUE (Standardized by the ABA year unknown; APA in 2018):
MOTTLED (Standardized by the APA and ABA in 1965):
PARTRIDGE (Standardized by the APA and ABA in 1874):
RED (Standardized by the APA and ABA in 1977):
SELF BLUE (Standardized by the ABA in 2018):
SILVER LACED (Standardized by the APA and ABA in 1965):
SILVER PENCILED (Standardized by the ABA only; year Unknown):
SPLASH (Standardized by the APA and ABA in 2014):
WHITE (Standardized by the APA and ABA in 1874):
FRIZZLES (Frizzles can be shown in any Standardized Color Variety):
LARGE FOWL (Asiatic Class)
BARRED (Standardized by the APA in 1982):
BLACK (Standardized by the APA in 1874):
BLUE (Standardized by the APA in 1965):
BROWN (Standardized by the APA in 1965):
BUFF (Standardized by the APA in 1874):
GOLDEN LACED (Standardized by the APA in 1965):
PARTRIDGE (Standardized by the APA in 1874):
SILVER LACED (Standardized by the APA in 1965):
WHITE (Standardized by the APA in 1874):
FRIZZLES (Frizzles can be shown in any Standardized Color Variety):
Below are examples of Non-Standard Varieties being exhibited. They are not eligible to win outside of their Variety, i.e. they cannot advance to compete for higher Breed or Class honors.
Below are examples of Non-Standard Varieties being exhibited. They are not eligible to win outside of their Variety, i.e. they cannot advance to compete for higher Breed or Class honors.
Non-Standard Bantams
Non-Standard Large Fowl