2016 International Cochin Day in Europe - Submitted by Ardjan Warnshuis
March 14, 2015 - Update on the Cochin Book Pricing
Because the fall of the Euro we can offer the Cochinbook for a reduced price.
From now on the book will be $ 50,00 and shipping is $ 17,50.
If the euro is going to fall more we will come with a new actual price.
Best wishes, Ardjan
May, 2014 - Update on ordering the Cochin Book
Hello everybody,
The book on Cochins and Cochin batams can be ordered from now on by me.
You will find costs, shipping etc in the page attached (below).
Best wishes, Ardjan
Das Buch, the book, Cochins en Cochinkrielen
Kosten Buch €45,95
Versandt Deutschland € 4,10
Versandt EU € 8,90
Versandt übrige Länder € 15,90
Costs Book € 45,95 / USA dollars 63,70
Shipping EU €8,90 / USA dollars 12,34
Shipping other countries € 15,90 / USA dollars 22,04
Totale Kosten Deutschland € 50,05
Total costs EU € 54,85 / USA dollar 76,04
Total costs other countries € 61,85 / USA dollar 85,74
Überweisen Sie den Betrag an Ardjan Warnshuis
IBAN DE 88 4006 9709 0007 3007 01
Volksbank Lembeck-Rhade
Bitte Adresse angeben!
Pay to Ardjan Warnshuis IBAN: DE88 4006 9709 3007 01
Volksbank Lembeck-Rhade
Give the adress the book should be sent to aswell!
Sobald das Geld eingegangen ist wird Ihnen das Buch zugeschickt.
As soon as the money is in the bank the book will be shipped.
Liebe grüße, best wishes, Ardjan Warnshuis
April, 2014 - Update on the European Cochin Book from Ardjan Warnshuis
Hello my friends,
Finally the book on Cochins and Cochin (Pekin) bantams is ready. Yesterday is was presented at a meeting of the dutch Cochinclub.
It contains the history of both breeds, the development in USA and Europe, “new colours”, the breeds today in many countries in the world etc, etc, etc.
176 pages containing over 600 pictures of our breeds. A book like this you will find anywhere. A real colectors item.
If you are interested and want one you can contact me, best by email.
Nice eastern weekend and till soon,
January 23, 2013 - Update on Bobtail Bantams - by Ardjan Warnshuis, Lembeck, Germany
Here some bantams of the new color, called Bobtail. We had them for recognition in Holland a couple of week ago. May you can put them in the forum, because I can not upload pictures. It is a mutation from blackred Cochin bantams. They have the softest feathers of all Cochin bantams. I am working on an article for Fancy Fowl about them. I will send you a copy when it is ready.
Update: Ardjan's article on Bobtails is now posted on our Education Page.
Because the fall of the Euro we can offer the Cochinbook for a reduced price.
From now on the book will be $ 50,00 and shipping is $ 17,50.
If the euro is going to fall more we will come with a new actual price.
Best wishes, Ardjan
May, 2014 - Update on ordering the Cochin Book
Hello everybody,
The book on Cochins and Cochin batams can be ordered from now on by me.
You will find costs, shipping etc in the page attached (below).
Best wishes, Ardjan
Das Buch, the book, Cochins en Cochinkrielen
Kosten Buch €45,95
Versandt Deutschland € 4,10
Versandt EU € 8,90
Versandt übrige Länder € 15,90
Costs Book € 45,95 / USA dollars 63,70
Shipping EU €8,90 / USA dollars 12,34
Shipping other countries € 15,90 / USA dollars 22,04
Totale Kosten Deutschland € 50,05
Total costs EU € 54,85 / USA dollar 76,04
Total costs other countries € 61,85 / USA dollar 85,74
Überweisen Sie den Betrag an Ardjan Warnshuis
IBAN DE 88 4006 9709 0007 3007 01
Volksbank Lembeck-Rhade
Bitte Adresse angeben!
Pay to Ardjan Warnshuis IBAN: DE88 4006 9709 3007 01
Volksbank Lembeck-Rhade
Give the adress the book should be sent to aswell!
Sobald das Geld eingegangen ist wird Ihnen das Buch zugeschickt.
As soon as the money is in the bank the book will be shipped.
Liebe grüße, best wishes, Ardjan Warnshuis
April, 2014 - Update on the European Cochin Book from Ardjan Warnshuis
Hello my friends,
Finally the book on Cochins and Cochin (Pekin) bantams is ready. Yesterday is was presented at a meeting of the dutch Cochinclub.
It contains the history of both breeds, the development in USA and Europe, “new colours”, the breeds today in many countries in the world etc, etc, etc.
176 pages containing over 600 pictures of our breeds. A book like this you will find anywhere. A real colectors item.
If you are interested and want one you can contact me, best by email.
Nice eastern weekend and till soon,
January 23, 2013 - Update on Bobtail Bantams - by Ardjan Warnshuis, Lembeck, Germany
Here some bantams of the new color, called Bobtail. We had them for recognition in Holland a couple of week ago. May you can put them in the forum, because I can not upload pictures. It is a mutation from blackred Cochin bantams. They have the softest feathers of all Cochin bantams. I am working on an article for Fancy Fowl about them. I will send you a copy when it is ready.
Update: Ardjan's article on Bobtails is now posted on our Education Page.
December, 2012 - New Varieties for Recognition in Europe - by Ardjan Warnshuis, Lembeck, Germany
Bobtail Bantam Cochins/Pekins to undergo Provisional Meet to determine Acceptance & Recognition to Standard in Holland in January, 2013.
Large Fowl Cochins in Gold & Silver Laced were approved for Acceptance & Recognition to Standard in Germany on November 24, 2012.
September 30, 2012 - International Cochin Day - by Ardjan Warnshuis, Lembeck, Germany
On the 8th of September the International Cochin Day was held in Zeddam ( Holland ). On Friday the cages were built up and in the afternoon John Soper from England and our friends from Italy arrived. They could put in their birds so they could rest from the long journey. Unfortunately no birds were entered by German breeders, so there were less birds in the show then last year. The birds were judged by Hendrik Timmer, Hans Ringnalda, Ronald Vos, Jan van Stralen and Mathijs Ykema.
The Large Cochins were judged by Hendrik Timmer. All colors were present. Even two non-standard colors were there: Buff Cuckoo and Silver Laced. Most breeders must have bred early because all birds were nearly full grown and ready for showing. In Black one hen and three pullets. Best was a bird of van der Zande with 96 pts. Excellent type and shining color. Also Leyssen showed a bird with 96 pts. Two cockerels and two pullets in Partridge. They improved a lot since last year. Males nice shaped and of very good color. The pullets with very good ground color and lacing. These birds only have to be a bit larger. Two cockerels in White of Leyssen. Nice large and broad birds which showed some brassy shining in color. Four lovely pullets with the best of van der Zande. Great type and feathers, with, for a young bird, a nice broad head with eyebrows. One male and one female in Silver Laced. The male lacked in type but color and marking were good. The pullet was of nice shape and a nice open lacing. The birds in this color should be larger. A very nice cockerel in Blue of Peter Pienaerts with 95 pts. He also showed the best pullet in this color with 96 pts. She had great type and lovely color. In Cuckoo two nice large males of Leyssen. Shape was good and showing nice broad body although the color was tending towards Barred instead of Cuckoo. The pullet shown was rather small. A cock and a cockerel in Buff Cuckoo of van der Zande. Top birds in shape and feathers, both reaching up to 96 pts. The old birds went to Italy. In Buff, usually one of the “top colors”, four cockerels and seven pullets. No birds came over 94 pts. Most had problems with their wings. Color and feathering was very good on most of them. Best Cochin was a Black pullet of van der Zande. Best opposite sex a Cuckoo cockerel of Leyssen. Best collection ( three birds, both sexes present ) was shown by van der Zande.
The Bantams started with two nice Silver Partridge pullets of K. Sneyers. A nice group of Wheaten birds. Four cockerels with 96 pts for a nice bird of Doné. The class of pullets was won by our Italian friend Simone Ceppolina with 96 pts. A nice cockerel in Cuckoo Partridge of Doné. Very good type and nice color. Among the six Black cockerels several very good birds. Best were the birds of the Ykema brothers and Gerrit Bosch with 96 pts. These breeders had together with Freddy Hannes also pullets with 96 pts. Partridge overall in very good quality. Hannes had best male and Toon Grutters showed a pullet with nearly ultimate lacing. Both birds 96 pts. A nice Silver Partridge cockerel of Andrea Boer from Italy. Quality in the White bantams was extremely high. The old cock of comb. Kluin had 96 pts. Best cockerel had Hannes with 96 pts. Comb. Kluin showed three pullets, all 96 pts. A pair of Blue Reds of Hannes that were quite nice. Ten birds in Porcelain (Mille Fleurs). The quality is improving each year. Three breeders showed them. Let’s hope they continue breeding them then quality might be as good as in other colors within a few years. Two cockerels in Columbian could not convince the judge. The two pullets were much better with 95 pts. In Cuckoo three pullets of Hannes. All had 95 pts. As always a nice collection Lavender birds of Kurt Sneyers from Belgium. Also van der Bosch showed one male and one female. In the cockerels 96 pts for Sneyers. This breeder also had one pullet with 96 pts. and five with 95 pts. The cockerels in Buff did not come higher than 94 pts. As usual the quality in the females was much better. Two birds of Paul Grutters with 96 pts and one with 96 of Rikie Bosch. Some nice birds in Red of Nico Anthoni. The last color was Lavender Cuckoo. Here v/d Bosch had 95 pts. on a male and 96 pts. on a female. There were not as many birds as in the last year, but the quality was high.
Best bantam was a Partridge male of Hannes. Best opposite sex a Blue female of the same breeder. He was the first to win in both sexes.
In the sale there were some 150 birds in very good quality. Here a breeder could find nice material to improve his own stock. John Soper brought the first Cochin bantams in Chocolate. In England one is working on this color in a lot of breeds. John showed some very nice birds. All went to Italy.
Once again the day was a success. We hope to see a lot of breeders next year on the second Saturday of September on the Tenth Edition of the International Cochin Day.
From International Cochin Day 2012, below are pictures of the Large Fowl, our International Friends, and the Bantams.
Bobtail Bantam Cochins/Pekins to undergo Provisional Meet to determine Acceptance & Recognition to Standard in Holland in January, 2013.
Large Fowl Cochins in Gold & Silver Laced were approved for Acceptance & Recognition to Standard in Germany on November 24, 2012.
September 30, 2012 - International Cochin Day - by Ardjan Warnshuis, Lembeck, Germany
On the 8th of September the International Cochin Day was held in Zeddam ( Holland ). On Friday the cages were built up and in the afternoon John Soper from England and our friends from Italy arrived. They could put in their birds so they could rest from the long journey. Unfortunately no birds were entered by German breeders, so there were less birds in the show then last year. The birds were judged by Hendrik Timmer, Hans Ringnalda, Ronald Vos, Jan van Stralen and Mathijs Ykema.
The Large Cochins were judged by Hendrik Timmer. All colors were present. Even two non-standard colors were there: Buff Cuckoo and Silver Laced. Most breeders must have bred early because all birds were nearly full grown and ready for showing. In Black one hen and three pullets. Best was a bird of van der Zande with 96 pts. Excellent type and shining color. Also Leyssen showed a bird with 96 pts. Two cockerels and two pullets in Partridge. They improved a lot since last year. Males nice shaped and of very good color. The pullets with very good ground color and lacing. These birds only have to be a bit larger. Two cockerels in White of Leyssen. Nice large and broad birds which showed some brassy shining in color. Four lovely pullets with the best of van der Zande. Great type and feathers, with, for a young bird, a nice broad head with eyebrows. One male and one female in Silver Laced. The male lacked in type but color and marking were good. The pullet was of nice shape and a nice open lacing. The birds in this color should be larger. A very nice cockerel in Blue of Peter Pienaerts with 95 pts. He also showed the best pullet in this color with 96 pts. She had great type and lovely color. In Cuckoo two nice large males of Leyssen. Shape was good and showing nice broad body although the color was tending towards Barred instead of Cuckoo. The pullet shown was rather small. A cock and a cockerel in Buff Cuckoo of van der Zande. Top birds in shape and feathers, both reaching up to 96 pts. The old birds went to Italy. In Buff, usually one of the “top colors”, four cockerels and seven pullets. No birds came over 94 pts. Most had problems with their wings. Color and feathering was very good on most of them. Best Cochin was a Black pullet of van der Zande. Best opposite sex a Cuckoo cockerel of Leyssen. Best collection ( three birds, both sexes present ) was shown by van der Zande.
The Bantams started with two nice Silver Partridge pullets of K. Sneyers. A nice group of Wheaten birds. Four cockerels with 96 pts for a nice bird of Doné. The class of pullets was won by our Italian friend Simone Ceppolina with 96 pts. A nice cockerel in Cuckoo Partridge of Doné. Very good type and nice color. Among the six Black cockerels several very good birds. Best were the birds of the Ykema brothers and Gerrit Bosch with 96 pts. These breeders had together with Freddy Hannes also pullets with 96 pts. Partridge overall in very good quality. Hannes had best male and Toon Grutters showed a pullet with nearly ultimate lacing. Both birds 96 pts. A nice Silver Partridge cockerel of Andrea Boer from Italy. Quality in the White bantams was extremely high. The old cock of comb. Kluin had 96 pts. Best cockerel had Hannes with 96 pts. Comb. Kluin showed three pullets, all 96 pts. A pair of Blue Reds of Hannes that were quite nice. Ten birds in Porcelain (Mille Fleurs). The quality is improving each year. Three breeders showed them. Let’s hope they continue breeding them then quality might be as good as in other colors within a few years. Two cockerels in Columbian could not convince the judge. The two pullets were much better with 95 pts. In Cuckoo three pullets of Hannes. All had 95 pts. As always a nice collection Lavender birds of Kurt Sneyers from Belgium. Also van der Bosch showed one male and one female. In the cockerels 96 pts for Sneyers. This breeder also had one pullet with 96 pts. and five with 95 pts. The cockerels in Buff did not come higher than 94 pts. As usual the quality in the females was much better. Two birds of Paul Grutters with 96 pts and one with 96 of Rikie Bosch. Some nice birds in Red of Nico Anthoni. The last color was Lavender Cuckoo. Here v/d Bosch had 95 pts. on a male and 96 pts. on a female. There were not as many birds as in the last year, but the quality was high.
Best bantam was a Partridge male of Hannes. Best opposite sex a Blue female of the same breeder. He was the first to win in both sexes.
In the sale there were some 150 birds in very good quality. Here a breeder could find nice material to improve his own stock. John Soper brought the first Cochin bantams in Chocolate. In England one is working on this color in a lot of breeds. John showed some very nice birds. All went to Italy.
Once again the day was a success. We hope to see a lot of breeders next year on the second Saturday of September on the Tenth Edition of the International Cochin Day.
From International Cochin Day 2012, below are pictures of the Large Fowl, our International Friends, and the Bantams.